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A Parent's Guide To Piano Practice


Even parents who never learned piano themselves can help their children practice. One of the biggest ways a parent can help is by establishing a practice routine, right from the start. Children will need help following the teacher’s instructions and assignments. The guidelines below will help you and your child make great progress and feel confident playing the piano.

1. Practice should happen at the same time every day.

Choose a time that you can stick to. It could be before school in the morning, after school, after homework is finished, just before dinner; anytime that you can be consistent about.



2. Focus on the music, not the time.

The best way to practice is to follow the assignment instructions. Make sure the student practices the assignments, as the teacher specified. Make it a game! If this takes only 5 minutes that’s fine, if it takes 20 minutes that’s fine too. A common mistake that creates a wrong practice mindset is setting a timer. They will then learn to focus only on the time instead of the quality.


3. Be their student and learning partner
Have them explain to you what they’re working on, how they know what to play etc. Try pointing to symbols and asking them what they mean. This will not only help you to know what’s going on but will also reinforce their knowledge. 
If they don't know the answer, work with them to solve the musical mystery together!



4. Be their cheerleader!
Most importantly, let your child know how much you love hearing them play! This is by far the best way to encourage long-term practice. If they’re doing well with a song, it’s a great idea to arrange a mini-concert, gather the family, so they can show off all their hard work!

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