Step 1
Get your piano setup - if you don't already have a piano. There are 3 options:
Option 1: Piano app on a phone or tablet (free):

choose Keyboard to open
Tap this at the right top corner
Choose Disable​
Option 2: Borrow a piano from us (free).:
You can borrow a foldable piano from us with a $50 refundable deposit. Return it within 21 days for a full refund
We can arrange a no-contact pickup through email or phone, limited availability
Option 3: Invest in a piano:
This PIANO GUIDE explains what features to look for when getting a piano and our recommendations
Check out Facebook Marketplace for good deals on a used piano
Step 2
Gather class supplies

Colored pencils or crayons
A homemade instrument with things you already have
a drum can be an upside-down container, cup, box​, empty can, or chair
something to hit it with, for example, a spatula, chopstick or pen​

Step 3
Download ZOOM and install. Choose Zoom Client for Meetings. We recommend using a tablet or computer for the best experience.
Step 4
Get Excited!
Can't wait to start? You can start singing and dance along with the songs HERE.